Reflecting the Culture of God's Kingdom in Our Lives Today (1 Cor. 4:20)
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"The starting point of all achievements is desire" -Napoleon Hill.

'IN PURSUIT OF GODLINESS: 35 Years Without Sex'

  A True Story  

This is the true story of a youthful believer who vowed “not to defile himself with women” until the Lord led him to his future wife. He put his faith into action in a vow of celebacy, simultaneously asking God for 3 signs. You will marvel at how God also responded positively to his faith, concretely meeting his demands beyond his dreams. Did it come on a silver platter? No! It was a 35-year long struggle. He had to battle seduction, sexual temptations, doubts, uncertainties, discouragement, and cultural impediments until his 35th birthday. What will you do when God finally reveals to you that a lady you have previously ruled out as impossible to relate to is your future wife? How would you reconcile your verdict with God’s? Read it all in this faith inspiring, Jesus devoted, and God glorifying book.

  Author's Comment  


Whenever the subtopic of this book, "35 Years Without Sex" is read, about ninety-nine percent of the audience exclaim, "No Way!". Yet that has been the reality of our lives as detailed in this book. Why are people so skeptical about such an achievement? The most frequent answer we get is, "Because it is humanly impossible to achieve such a feat". Well, that's right. Humanly impossible! And we did not arrive here on our own strength or merit either. "He will keep the feet of his saints,...for by strength shall no man prevail". (1 Samuel 2:9). It is a testimony of our call and our long, infinite walk with God. How did we succeed? We can only provide a concise insight into the book on this platform. It goes beyond preview or introduction but falls short of even half of the full picture. You need to read it all for yourself. It was written as an encouragement for believers to strive for godliness and deepen their faith without which it will be impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6 - But without faith it is impossible to please God; for he that comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him.) and win our spiritual battles. Note the adverb that qualifies the word, 'seek', in this context. It is not just those who simply seek Him that He rewards but those who do so diligently. If you are not receiving any feedback of your faith in God, you may want to reconsider the manner in which you seek Him. The spiritual is overwhelmingly stronger than the physical. Therefore, one needs to be spiritually strong in order to overcome physical challenges and inadequacies. (For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace - Romans 8:6.) The realization of this tuth in our lives has been the catalyst of our spiritual growth which then manifests in the flesh and confounds worldly wisdom and convention. If you said "No Way!", that is the way. Welcome to Kingdom Citizenship! It is the Demonstration of the Power of God in our daily lives!


The book, which spans God's hand in our births and childhood right up to our marriage has been structured in four parts namely; Part I, Part II, Part III and Part IV. It is designed as a testimony to the fact that "Before we were formed in the womb God knew us..." (Jeremiah 1:5) and had His own plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11). It is so with all mankind but "the secret of walking on water is knowing where the stones are"— Herb Cohen

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  P A R T   I  

Part I covers the mysterious nature of my birth and personality even as a baby, and my formative years in the 'Co-operative School', a semblance of juvenile military academy. You will be awed by rules and regulations that guided this home of academy and their practical interpretations. Early childhood training in godfearing and diligence drew me closer to God from an early age. Success crowned my efforts in the early godly stages of life and my walk with God was delightfully smooth until the roughness of the waves of life battered my untested boat. I moved from academic genius to a flop. A period of difficulty, trials of my faith and challenges to my walk with God ensued stretching my faith thin. Later, God intervened, bringing me to the love of an older cousin of mine whom I was not familiar with. That gave me partial relief and the assurance that after all, God had not abandoned me as I sometimes felt in the heat of my trials. God provided a timely refuge for me in the home of this cousin of mine to whom I became a son. My social and economic well-being was getting better but my academic pride was still in total shambles. The independence I gained from staying with this couple enabled me to further develop my spiritual life thereby emboldening me to challenge God to a covenant. Gradually, I had transitioned from my teenage and I was fast advancing in age. I knew not what destiny God had for me. I wanted to know more about what God had in the mix of the future basket for me. No doubt I was going to keep walking with Him because there was no alternative. My resolve in this matter was complete and irreversible. But I had questions. Was I going to get better academically to allow me to climb further on the academic ladder? That aside, I was cruising into the near future. The most important and pressing knowledge I needed to have was whether or not it was God's will for me to marry. If so, then to whom? I knew my ability to stay with Him was largely dependent on the question of marriage. Sexual immorality was all over my face and around me yet I had determined that I would never allow myself to be caught in this abomination in order to keep the relationship between God and myself flourishing. It was, therefore, imperative that I knew of God's marital plans for me so as to inform the direction of my future plans, prayer and demands on Him. I was not at all ready to enter into any relationship on trial basis. No way! If He is an exact God, He should prove it once and for all. With such a stance, I put some conditions forward and entered into a covenant with God. I put forward three signs that would prove to me that God intended that I marry or otherwise.   Close

  P A R T   II  

This Part is mainly dedicated to the flip side; the life of Sylvia. It describes her birth, early childhood and development. The contribution of her parents to her upbringing is emphasized. Furthermore, the striking semblance of her mother and mine, physiologically and occupationally among others is captured in this part of the book. Later, as you will learn, it was no accident that our childhood bore some core spiritual semblance. God's plan for us had began long before we were even born. You will read how her childhood idealism gave way to self-realization along the line. She did not have as much challenge as I did having separated from my parents by choice earlier. Yet she had her own childhood and adolescent challenges as life zoomed in. Her love for God and her penchant for the spread of the Gospel is also described in this portion of the book. Her love of athletics in High School and her participation in athletic competitions is briefly hinted on. This Part concludes with her completion of High School and the alternative decision to enroll in a teacher's college as opposed to a university. Still in her late teens though, her entry into college virtually marked the beginning of her transition into adulthood.   Close

   P A R T  III  

The penultimate Part begins with the relative positions of my successful academic colleagues and I at a point in time. It relates their promising future prospects as against my prevailing stagnant and bleak future. My faith was in deep trial. Unknown to me, God had designed it that way. The only way out for me was a choice tantamount to the proverbial dog "going back to its vomit." It was the last thing I ever wanted to do but there was no avenue open to me other than to take that path. So I bit the bullet, this time the hard way. The result was that I found myself on college campus. I struggled to get accustomed to the campus because college was against my desired options. I wanted to abandon the course altogether but once again, by God's design, I was prevented by circumstances. I largely isolated myself from other students especially the opposite sex. My only motivation was the academic prowess I displayed which attracted the attention of both my peers and tutors. Still in the early stages of campus life, my attention was first drawn to a lady on stage in a drama staged by the French Club. About four days later, I encountered this lady and realized she was in the same classroom as mine. Her name was Sylvia. Very pleasant and welcoming as she was, I largely ignored her as I would anybody else in keeping with my solitary principles and to protect myself from violating my covenant. As later events would have it, I happened to encounter this lady again but the result drew me further into my coil. As the trimesters rolled on I realized that Sylvia, who had become my class representative, took a particular interest in observing my movement and behavior. Due to my solitary and non-communicative demeanor, she had taken an indirect approach to make an anecdote of me. My academic brilliance, love for God but strange behavior was an intriguing mix which drew her curiosity to research into who I really was. As difficult a person as I was she never gave up until she warmed herself up to me. It is amazing how curiosity could embolden some ladies to undertake the impossible. Now she had the hope of understanding what belay my brilliance and my strange behavior. She may also tap from my academic ability for her course. Later, I lowered my antagonistic stance and entered into a unique and successful academic partnership with her. As we became more and more familiar with each other, friendship was inevitable but we vowed to keep it platonic or bust. We adopted very godly standards to guide our friendship through college. By virtue of Sylvia's instrumentality, I gradually warmed up to other people as well. One of such people was a study group nicknamed 'Tseinoo'. Six in number, we virtually became a family on campus. Down the trimesters, other students, even some tutors became suspicious of Sylvia and I and misconstrued our friendship for a love relationship. They could not fathom how we could partner so harmoniously and telepathically if we were merely friends, and the allegations began to pour in. At a point in time, I was summoned to explain and defend the nature of our friendship and the principles underlying our partnership to officialdom. It nearly rocked our healthy partnership but knowing we had no guilt before God, we strolled on. A very outstanding feature of this portion of the book is what I term the 'Golden Question'. Throughout the period of our friendship, we believed we were highly, maritally incompatible given our highly contrasting backgrounds. Therefore, we never got involved emotionally. All we wanted was to partner each other in academics, pass our exam and part ways in pursuit of our individual ambitions. However, a subsequent occurrence during our final year on campus stunned me and changed my perspective. It so happened that despite our negative beliefs and assessment toward a relationship, I had been talking to my future wife after all. However, I adopted a "wait-and-see" approach thus preventing her from getting to know the secret of my covenant and how she fulfilled it until 8 years later.   Close

   P A R T  IV  

  The last Part of the book begins with my attempt to conquer what had become my   nemesis. I sought God's help and guidance and He heard me. He gave me not just an ordinary victory but an outstanding one after a year of preparation. All of a sudden my fortunes had changed to my astonishment. The grim future I thought I faced gave way to a promising and prosperous one. Many academic opportunities and options came at my beck and call. My long cherished ambition to make it to the university had finally become more than a possibility. I went back memory lane to chew on why it took me such a long time to arrive at this level when I could have gone ahead earlier. What was keeping me at bay all this while? It was with the same level of intelligence and academic ability I had tackled every exam, but why was it that none helped me until this time? There was something more to it than met the eye. Was God deliberately slowing me down for a good reason? In this part, you will also read of my entry into the university and the efforts to re-establish close contact with Sylvia. A couple of years after and for the first time, I paid her a visit in another university where she was also pursuing her bachelor's. Within this visit we finally concluded that our friendship was heading toward marriage regardless of whatever negative assessment we gave it. She was still in school but we kept reaching out to each other until she went abroad in an exchange program. While she was away, I secretly initiated marriage plans with her parents. Few months after her arrival, she graduated. From hence, the pressure was on me to complete what I had initiated. It was particularly difficult for me to move at the desired pace as I intentionally decided to short circuit customary procedures. As a result, I bypassed many people, traditional procedures and cultural demands. Surprisingly, God helped me pull through. This portion ends with our marriage and wedding ceremonies. You will also read of how I first broke my secret covenant with God to her and how she fulfilled every bit of the 3 signs I put before God without actually knowing it. She then understood the secret behind my strange behavior in college and why she was so unsuccessful in finding out who I really was. Her gratitude to God knew no bounds. The very thing we were most grateful to God for and proud of was the fact that we struck acquaintance about ten years prior, yet we navigated through the curves of relationship without succumbing to a single sexual temptation. I had gone through 35 years of my life while she was 28 and a half. Both of us were still virgins, something for which we are grateful to God, even to this day.   Close


Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:12)