Reflecting the Culture of God's Kingdom in Our Lives Today (1 Cor. 4:20)
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"The starting point of all achievements is desire" -Napoleon Hill.


Here below is a preview of books we have in the pipeline. They are in various stages of completion ranging from 10% to 90%.


“God destroyed the economy of Egypt in order to promote a young man who was in prison”. This statement was made by Dr Myles Munroe in the discussion of his book titled “Overcoming Crisis”. He was referring to Joseph. I have read the Bible on so many occasions about Joseph’s life but I had always overlooked such a powerful notion. Then I wondered how many of such powerful lessons I had overlooked in my walk with God. I also wondered how many believers have also behaved likewise. I, therefore, deemed it very pertinent to go back, and this time take a microscopic look at the life of Joseph from his birth to his death. True to my wonder, there are many details in the life of Joseph that many of us believers have skipped. This book comes as a response to such omissions. You will come to know the depth of richness in Joseph’s life which we can tap to enrich ours as well.

Take a journey through the eyes, feelings, and emotions of Joseph in his life as if he lived in the 21st Century. If Joseph were to live in our present age, how would his difficulties and exemplary endurance play out? How often do we face similar challenges in our present lives, and how many times do we come out still on our feet? For example, how many energetic young men of today can survive an episode of Mrs. Potiphar? You will read of some great men in both the biblical era and in our contemporary world who faced similar episodes but could not stand on their feet. So what was Joseph’s secret? Who is Mrs. Potiphar in the 21st Century? What challenge does Joseph pose for us as believers in the 21st Century? How can we learn from his extraordinary godliness? What can we liken his trials, temptations and triumph to in our present world? See how the practicality of Joseph's life could be employed for success in our walk with God. It is a book that is relevant for our daily walk with God. Facts hidden in between the lines are brought out for you to feel and appreciate the reality and relevance of Joseph's life in our day. How does Joseph's treatment of his wicked brothers allegorically represent the attitude of the Messiah toward sinners? These and many more revelations are dealt with in this book.

  2. GIDEON: How And Why The Least Conquered The Most  

This book elaborates on Gideon's identity, status, exploits and failures. How does his call confirm 1Corinthians 1:27? If God had empaneled you and I to hunt for a talent to lead the Army of Israel against their enemy, would we have considered Gideon? Was Gideon's army really his or God's? If Gideon were a US Army General, would Pentagon have accepted his battle plan? Why did God liken eligible soldiers to the drinking style of dogs? Why did Gideon become a snare after demonstrating godly wisdom in response to the people's demand? How does such a mistake manifest in our present lives, and what can we learn from it? All these questions are vital for our spiritual maturity; a line of thinking that enhances our understanding of how God works and deals with man. It does not require copious ritualistic routine to be able to walk with God and be used by Him. Simple obedience to His commanment is the key. That is the import of this book.


After reading this book, you will realize that King David fits into either category. It is mainly the characterisation of David and the relevance of his life to our walk with God. You will read of his struggles, agonies, mistakes, victories, anointing, strategies, leadership style and especially his love, respect and reliance on God. His ability to bounce back in faith after a big fall is quite remarkable. There are several details we overlook when reading the life of David. For instance, in what ways do we behave like Saul and take no notice of it? We have taken pains to elicit all the details hidden between the lines to enable the reader take a cue and apply them to his/her present life. David presents a lot of examples, challenges as well as warnings for us to heed in our daily walk with God. This is what this book is about.


WHO CARRIES THE VOTE - The Minority or Majority? Western democracy in an attempt to find an acceptable form of government engaged in series of experimemtations culminating in the Majority Rule system (Democracy). In this system, the majority decision takes precedence over minority protests. As a result, the party with the simple or electoral college majority votes gets to govern or implement its decision or policy. It seems quite logical from a human point of view but will it stand the test of divine assessment? During debates, both sides claim to be right or better at an issue than the other. In all of these, where does God stand? Is He really in support of the majority or the minority? What about the powerful versus the vulnerable? The strong and the weak? You have often heard it said "The voice of the people is the voice of God". Is that really the case? Was this the original intention of the one who made this statement or his original quote has been distorted and corrupted for political expediency? This book has the answers. It starts with the evolution of democratic governance over the years and the various tweaks it has undergone to give us what we have at present. It answers all the questions raised above. In addition, drawing from biblical passages and quotations, the authors illustrate God's take when it comes to the question of majority or minority.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:12)