Reflecting the Culture of God's Kingdom in Our Lives Today (1 Cor. 4:20)
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"And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, And by the word of their testimony;
And they loved not their lives unto death" (Revelation 12:11)

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"The starting point of all achievements is desire" -Napoleon Hill.


portrait of Dr Myles Munroe
Myles Munroe

Over the years, many misconceptions and misinterpretations have clouded the Christian perspective. Christianity has grown into a huge religious establishment shedding off its divine nature in favor of rituals and beliefs which stem purely from human wisdom, philosophies and even satanic origins. It is time to go back to the basics and check God's original intention and interpretation of His Word which we have missed or deviated from along the way. One of such issues is the concept of the Kingdom of God. As earlier indicated, many people are of the view that the Kingdom of God is somewhere up in the skies, on top of an unknown golden mountain, currently beyond human reach or it is simply Heaven. This is far from the truth. One of the men of God who pioneered an indepth study on this subject was Dr Myles Munroe. He championed the refocusing of our minds on the Kingdom of God through his extensive work and research on the subject.

In chapters 1 and 2 of his book, "Kingdom Principles,"Myles Munroe explains what a 'kingdom' is and what is meant by 'righteousness'. Putting these together in Matthew 6:33, he points out that Jesus Christ laid out the priorities of God for mankind:

— seek to bring God's governing influence over the earthly territory He has given us;
— seek to impact the earthly territory with God's will, purpose and intent;
— with a view to producing a culture, values, morals and lifestyles that reflect God's nature and His desires for His (Kingdom) citizens.
— in so doing, man must simultaneously position himself in such a way that he can maintain a rightly alingned relationship with God's governing authority in order to qualify for the right to receive all other things he may need (both physical and spiritual as privileges of God's largesse)

This kingdom is, therefore, a real government, divine in nature, that ushers in God's dominion on earth once again. When Jesus the Christ raised the dead, healed the sick, cast out demons, walked on water, fed 5,000 people with a handful of meal, He was just demonstrating the reality of God's Kingdom on earth and the power thereof. The Kingdom still exists and fucntions just as much as the days of Jesus and the apostles and it is expanding. However, it is only for those who believe that gain the right to live out the abundance of this kingdom. The reason why you are not seeing or experiencing it is because of your unbelief. Those who know this secret, are eating the fruits of it daily. In our days, many true men of God are exercising the rights and power of the kingdom and enjoying the "rest added unto you". Talk about Neson Alvarez (The Revivalist), David Hernandez, Daniel Adams, Kathryn, Anosike, Vlad Savchuk etc. It is time to seek this Kingdom. In this kingdom, all things are possible if you only believe.

By the way, Myles Munroe was a Bahamian evangelist and ordained minister, avid professor of the Kingdom of God, author, speaker and leadership consultant who founded and led the Bahamas Faith Ministries International and Myles Munroe International. He was chief executive officer and chairman of the board of the International Third World Leaders Association and president of the International Leadership Training Institute as well as the author of numerous books. Till his death, Dr. Myles Munroe authored over 38 books on different life issues such as sex, family, relationships, spiritual growth, finance with over 16 best sellers to his credit, translated in English, Spanish and Portuguese. Some of these books include "God’s Big Idea: Reclaiming God’s Original Purpose for Your Life", "Rediscovering the Kingdom", "Kingdom Principles", "Overcoming Crisis", "Understanding The Purpose and Power of Women", "The Most Important Person on Earth", "Waiting and Dating", "Purpose and Power of Love and Marriage". "Purpose and Power of Praise and Worship" to mention but few. He is also credited with the following popular quotes:

  • “Solid character will reflect itself in consistent behavior, while poor character will seek to hide behind deceptive words and actions.”
  • “Prayer is earthly license for heavenly interference.”
  • “Marriage is two imperfect people committing themselves to a perfect institution, by making perfect vows from imperfect lips before a perfect God.”
  • “...success is not a comparison of what we have done with what others have done.”

Over the years, religion has distorted the true nature of God to makind. Dr Myles Munroe established the following vital truths about God and His kingdom which brings to light the falsehood of religion:

  • "God did not want a religion but a Kingdom".
  • "The Original plan of God was (and still is) not to have Christians but to have Citizens (in His Kingdom)."
  • "God's goal for mankind was not religion but Relationship; sons who are citizens of His Kingdom."
  • "Religion is like an organized club created by man to satisfy his hunger to find God and we give it different names"

The Christian journey must begin from here: Knowing God's prioirity for you, and the rest of the world is the foundation. Then you can take your place as a steward in God's government and exercise your divine mandate. Watch these, they will blow your mind:

Kingdom Mandate

God's Priority

Kingdom Message

Here is a list of links for his other messages on the Kingdom. Be sure to watch/listen to all of them for comprehensive understanding.


Also known as the 'Purpose Man", Dr Myles Munroe established the following Principles of purpose:

  1. God is a God of Purpose.
  2. God Created Everything with a Purpose.
  3. Not Every Purpose is Known to us Because we have Lost our Understanding of God's Original Intent for Us.
  4. Where Purpose is not Known, Abuse is Inevitable.
  5. To Discover the Purpose of Something, Never Ask the Creation. Ask the Creator.
  6. We Find our Purpose Only in the Mind of our Maker.
  7. God's Purpose is the Key to our Fulfilment.

portrait of Dr Derek Prince
Derek Prince

Another brilliant but humble servant of God whose knowledge and teachings of the Bible greatly impacted on the concept of Kingdom living is Dr. Derek Prince (1915–2003). He was born in India of British parents. Educated as a scholar of Greek and Latin at Eton College and Cambridge University, England, he held a Fellowship in Ancient and Modern Philosophy at King’s College. He also studied Hebrew and Aramaic, at Cambridge University and the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

While serving with the British army in World War II, he began to study the Bible not as a scripture but as a book of philosphy. In the course of that period, he experienced a life-changing encounter with Jesus Christ. Out of this encounter he formed two conclusions: first, that Jesus Christ is alive; second, that the Bible is a true, relevant, up-to-date book. These conclusions altered the whole course of his life, which he then devoted to studying and teaching the Bible.

He demonstrated spiritual gifts in healing and deliverance sessions. His daily radio programme, Derek Prince Legacy Radio, is broadcast around the world in various languages. In his Bible Teaching dubbed "The Roman Pilgrimage", he treats the book of Romans in the most outstanding way. Paul's epistle to the Romans is one of the most difficult books to understand. Yet Derek Prince demonstrates his deep grasp of the scriptures in this comprehensive teahing of his. Aided by (The Spirit, of course), His knowledge in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek and familiarity with the Jewish history and culture, he explains the book in a way that clarifies many difficulties, misconceptions and misunderstandings. He is both a must watch and a must read. You cannot simply ignore this man if you intend to succeed in your walk with God. One of his outstanding characteristics is humility. Given the level to which he rose in both the academic and world stage, it is mind blowing to see him come so low in humility for the sake of the gospel. It is strikingly exemplary and still a challenge for some of us to beat. It reminds us of the apostle Paul, who gave up all his envious academic credentials, prestigious social status, priviledged life and a lucrative craft, all for the sake of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Derek Prince is credited with laying out the ways in which man seeks independence from God (sounds like the devil, doesn't it?):


This is somethng that many would lose sight of. It takes a great man of God to acquire such discernment. Knowledge and Materialism, we can understand, but Religion? For religion to fall into such a category is a big irony, yet that is the reality. One does not need to think far to establish these things for him/herself. It calls for great reflection and meditation in the Spirit to really grasp these truths.


He makes the following observatons about the Christian 'journey':

  1. The Christian Life is a race in which the course is marked out for us and it is going to take endurance to complete the race.
  2. To be succcessful, we must fix our eyes on Jesus Christ. He is both our pattern and inspiration.
  3. He (Jesus) is both the author and perfecter of our faith. As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, He will not only set us going, but He will enable us to keep going and bring us successfully and triumphantly to the finish of the race.

Among his powerful books are the following titles:

"Blessing Or Curse: You can Choose", "They Shall Expel Demons", "War In Heaven", "Spiritual Warfare", "Rules Of Engagement", "Lucifer Exposed", "Secrets Of A Prayer Warrior", "Bought With Blood", "God Is A Matchmaker", "Husbands And Fathers", "Called To Conquer", "Pride Versus Humility", "You Shall Receive Power", "By Grace Alone" "Experiencing God's Power" Etc.

You can also watch some of his "Deliverance" teachings and sessions on Youtube.

portrait of Dr Voddie Baucham
Voddie Baucham

Born and raised by a single, teenage, buddhist mother, Pastor Baucham is an American Professor, public speaker and author. He currently serves as Pastor of Preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas. He is also engaged in missionary works including a Christian University/Seminary in Zambia, Africa. Voddie Baucham is one of the vehement contemporary Christian apologists in the US. His teachings help ordinary people understand the significance of thinking and living biblically in every area of life. However, the uncompromising centrality of Christ and the Gospel in his messages, coupled with his apparent and public condemnation of homosexuality of all kinds, arguing strictly from biblical perspective, has earned him a lot of enemies from the LGBTs and most liberals. It is impossible to understand Voddie's approach to the Bible without first understanding the path he has traveled. Raised in a non-Christian, single-parent home, Voddie did not hear the Gospel until he was in college. His journey to faith was a very unusual and intellectual one. Consequently, he understands what it means to be a skeptic, and knows what it's like to try to figure out the Christian life without relying on the traditions of men. As a result, he speaks to 'outsiders' in ways few Bible teachers can. He has stood up to the advocates of LGBT whose modus operandi is to use subtle ways and means to change the biblical and traditional narrative of marriage relationships. You can feel it in the following messages:
Is Gay the New Black? and Beyond the Rhetorics-Applying Biblical Truth to the Homosexual Agenda.

He has also pushed back strongly against so-called atheists and opponents of the Bible who want to nullify the sanctity of the good old Scriptures. The following message of his is certainly one of the strongest apologetics of all time in defence of the Holy Scriptures. He teaches us how the Bible defends itself against the atheist critics.

His message below is absolutely a must watch!

Some of the books to his credit are listed below :

  • "Expository Apologetics: Answering Objection With The Power Of The Word"
  • "Family-Driven Faith: Doing What It Takes To Raise Sons And Daughters Who Walk With God"
  • "What He Must Be . . . If He Wants To Marry My Daughter"
  • "Joseph And The Gospel Of The Many Colors: Reading An Old Story In A New Way"
  • "The Ever-Loving Truth: Can Faith Thrive In A Post-Christian Culture?" etc


Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:12)