Reflecting the Culture of God's Kingdom in Our Lives Today (1 Cor. 4:20)
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"The starting point of all achievements is desire" -Napoleon Hill.


The following lines represent a Query Letter for any literary agent interested in representing us to any publisher willing to take on boeard any of our books. The first one relates to our book entitled, "IN PURSUIT OF GODLINESS-35 Years Without Sex". It is a faith based novel centered on chastity. We will develop Query Letters for subsequent books as and when we ready them for publication.


A staunch, youthful believer, I had vowed in a solemn covenant not to ‘defile’ myself with any woman until God led me to my future wife. For more than 2 decades, I lived out my faith until… What will you do when God reveals to you that a lady you have once written off as impossible to relate to, is indeed, your future wife? How would you reconcile your verdict with God’s? That was my situation.

The title of my memoir is “IN PURSUIT OF GODLINESS: 35 Years Without Sex”. It is a faith-based novel centered on chastity. Word count is about 67, 000. Even though the Christian community, (young and adult) is my primary target, the circular world would also be equally curious about, intrigued by, and benefit from the book. Nowadays, people are getting mixed messages from the pulpit and the real life of Christians. The example in this book provides a concrete direction for those confused by the mixed messages. Non-fiction is hugely popular right now, especially in printed formats ( My book falls under this category. I was appalled by the prevalence of sexual impurity in my community even among professed Christians when, in fact, the Bible warns us of such behavior. I, therefore, determined to challenge the status quo. I was out to prove to society with my own life, that after all, it is still possible to live a sexually pure life in our sex crazy age. First self-published in February 2020, I have since added materials, revised and adapted it for a series (Subsequent series in draft stage, at least 2 more issues). I also have 6 more drafts of different themes in various stages of completion.

In the beginning pages, the reader is transported to the geographical location where the plot begins. Outstanding features are described to give the reader a vivid mental tour of the setting. Some heroic personalities (My parents) then take center stage until the reader suddenly realizes that the protagonist is even yet unborn. Subsequent but still early chapters talk about life in my formative years in a humorous manner. (I emphasize my childhood training because the reader will later see them reflect in some of the incredible resilience I showed in adulthood). Then as the pages roll along, the ultimate conclusion reminds the reader that the struggles, sacrifices, tenacity, the wait etc were all worth it after all. In short, the reader would find out that life is generally surrounded by uncertainties but the Christian life is profitable in spite of its challenges, it is protected before it is exposed, it is simple and sacrificial not costly or sophisticated. Readers who enjoy Derek Prince and Myles Munroe’s books will find this piece an interesting, even more absorbing and educative encounter.


A book of a similar title is “In Pursuit of God” written by A.W. Tozer. The main focus of the book is the appeal to believers to come to a deeper relationship with God. Tozer passionately pleads with the reader to abandon "comfortable Christianity" in order to truly know God as He desires to be known. The major similarity between this book and mine is the plea to the reader to consider their own faith in Christ, and what they should be doing with that faith. In contrast however, Tozer makes the appeals through various chapters that talk about distinct subjects. I make those appeals in a continuum through the narration of my progression in life. Tozer picks issues of the Christian faith and organizes them under distinct topics. In contrast with my book, I keep the narration flowing and as and when a major issue of faith comes up, I pause over a few lines and discuss it. Since the reader is already acquainted with the background story and events taking place, he/she needs not much elaboration to identify a biblical concept in practice.

In another book, “The Pursuit of Godliness: Sanctification in Christological Perspective”, D. L. Alexander argues that holiness or sanctification is not something that one achieves but something that a person becomes. He places the biblical teaching on sanctification within the context of personal spiritual maturity rather than as an obligation to fulfil specific religious requirements. The 238-page book suggests that a developmental connection exists between spiritual formation and personal maturity.

If D. L Alexander suggests a developmental connection between spiritual formation and personal maturity, it is Jerry Bridges who clarifies what this connection is. In his combo, “The Pursuit of Holiness” and accompanying Study Guide, Bridges helps us to see clearly just what we should rely on God to do—and what we should take responsibility for ourselves.

Yet one more book with a similar title. “In Pursuit of Godliness and a Living Judaism: The Life and Thought of Rabbi Harold M. Schulweis” is a biography of the Rabbi in the title. In this book, the author, E. M. Feinstein, tracks the life and exploits of Schulweis, a colossus in the renewal of Jewish life in post-war America. He was one of the founding fathers of Mazon (the Jewish communal response to hunger), launched the Foundation for the Righteous – recognizing Christians who rescued Jews during the Holocaust etc. My book is, however, a memoir of my personal experiences through the Christian journey; my encounters with the Holy spirit and how God answered my requests in surprising, even shocking ways.

Interestingly, most of the contexts in Bridges, Alexander and Tozer’s works play out in practical terms in my book. However, what makes my approach unique is that lessons are not gathered under specific chapters. I rather chose to blend them seamlessly into the narration.

I believe my book has huge marketing and readership potential for the following reasons:

  • Half of the time, the reader will read how I successfully responded to a challenge of faith even before he or she is reminded that there is a biblical admonishing or scriptural quotation to that effect. This style keeps the narration fluid while the lessons to be learned are seamlessly blended in. This technique is mostly employed in fiction to sustain the reader’s interest but I carefully introduced it into non-fiction for the same effect. In fact, the reader will mostly feel he/she is reading a fiction until he/she is awoken by a situation that only exists in reality.
  • Readers will find it worth reading because they are not told what to do but are rather led to discover it for themselves thus engaging them actively in the plot. Furthermore, they are offered a practical example of how faith demands can be accomplished in real life situation.
  • In the course of the narration, when a sticky issue about life crops up, I discuss it over a few lines drawing attention to the biblical admonishing or scriptural quotation concerning the difficulty. I discuss how I overcame the issue thus turning scriptural admonishing into practical example of behavior. This is what readers will find very reassuring.


I was born to a mother who was so Christian and unyielding in her faith that she stood extremely tall in the community. I grew up under her tutelage and picked up more character from her. I have been a Sunday School teacher for more than two decades engaging believers in numerous Bible discussions, expositions and debates. I served as secretary of the Scripture Union in college. At the university, I served as the prayer secretary of the Baptist Students Union (BSU). As a member of the Salem Author Center, I have had a working experience with their editors as well. I was the Principal Co-ordinator of Baobab Connections (an online focus group) and a member of “Africa Talks”. These organizations were devoted to global advocacy and activism through internet journalism. As a result, I have worked with a number of editors both locally and internationally. In both organizations, I conducted researches, contributed articles, poems and summary of discussions aimed at drawing global attention to neglected but critical issues that affect human survival. Subsequently, I caught the eye of OIKOS-Ghana, a student organization for sustainable development. I became its secretary from the year 2001 to 2003. I was presented with certificates of honor and achievement by the National Baptist Students Union (NBSU) of Ghana respectively.
Having lived in different environments growing up, I have also been exposed to different kinds of experiences both specific and general. For instance, I started elementary school in a rural town in Africa, attended Middle and High schools in a city and university in a capital city. Furthermore, I attended military academy in the US. I have a Bachelor’s as well as a Master’s degree. I also have a number of Microsoft Data Certifications. Professionally, I have taught in both elementary and high schools. I have also worked in a number of organizations in the US including the TSA, Dallas Area Rapid Transit, and the US Postal Service. I am also a veteran of the US Army.


In order to help promote my book, I have set up a budget of $10,000 to pursue digital adverts through Google, Facebook, YouTube etc. I have also arranged for another $15,000 to pursue advertisements on Christian Radio stations and sponsorships of Christian events. I plan to interview with radio stations and I have started negotiations with some of them. I have drafted a Memorandum of Understanding for would be partners (I will sponsor) to allot a brief session with audience to talk about my book in their programs. The Memo also contains an agreement to set up a shelf at events for immediate availability. Lastly, I am open to suggestions from possible agents.


Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:12)