Reflecting the Culture of God's Kingdom in Our Lives Today (1 Cor. 4:20)
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"And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, And by the word of their testimony;
And they loved not their lives unto death" (Revelation 12:11)

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"The starting point of all achievements is desire" -Napoleon Hill.

  • We belive in GOD the Creator and Triune: Father, Son and the Holy Spirit.
  • We believe in the inspiration, revelation, inerrancy, and infallibility of the Scriptures to be the Word of God.
  • We believe in the virgin birth and complete Deity of JESUS CHRIST.
  • We believe in the substitutionary atonement of CHRIST's death for the sins of the world.
  • We believe in the literal bodily resurrection of JESUS CHRIST from the dead.
  • We believe in the literal second coming of CHRIST to the earth in bodily form.
portrait of the authors


Mr and Mrs Appiah-Kubi are both Ghanaian born Americans. Mr Aaron Appiah-Kubi is a writer, a poet and a researcher. He has worked in a number of organizations including the United States Postal Service and the Transportation Security Service (TSA). He has also served in the US Army capping it with a tour in Afghnistan. Back in Ghana, he worked as a Teacher both in the classroom and at Sunday Schools. He also worked at Royal City Company Ltd as Sales and Marketing Officer eventually rising to General Manager position. He holds a Bsc. Admin. Degree from the University of Ghana and pursued a Master's Degree in Marketing at the KNUST School of Business. He also holds a Teachers' Certificate from Mount Mary College where he met his wife Sylvia. The latter holds a B.Ed Degree from the University College of Winneba, Ghana. She taught the French Language at the Holy Child High School where she doubled as a House Mistress. She also taught children's class at Sunday Schools in Ghana. She pursued a Health Science course at Northshore Community College in Danvers, Massachusettes. Afterwards, she worked in a number of Nursing Homes in Massachusettes. Sylvia is a Motivational Speaker while she shares a common call with her husband as Marriage and Youth Counselors. Between them they have three young children.


This site is mainly dedicated to making an exposure of some concepts in the Word of God as told in the Bible which many believers and non-believers alike struggle with. Through practical living, literature, articles, teachings of some notable men of God, etc., we hope to make things clearer than current understanding. For instance, Christ Jesus told many parables and taught lessons about the KINGDOM OF GOD which He brought to mankind through His ultimate sacrifice—Himself. This is an actual kingdom which exists among us. Unfortunately, many believers have a great deal of misconception about this Kingdom. They find it hard to realize it in their lives because of inadequate knowledge, misunderstanding and wrongful teachings inherited from childhood. This has affected their ability to tap into this Kingdom to realize their God given purpose in life. Many are of the view that the Kingdom of God is somewhere up in the skies, on top of an unknown golden mountain, currently beyond human reach. Others simply think it is Heaven. Therefore, many are the believers who are waiting to die before getting access to this Kingdom. The truth is that, the Kingdom of God is already with us and within us. (Matthew 12:28). Jesus brought its re-establishment and demonstrated the power therefrom in His ministry. Since then the Kingdom has been forming in earnest and souls are being added daily through the power of the Holy Spirit. A kingdom is the manifest authority of a king in a domain...(Myles Munroe). Therefore, if the authority of God is manifest in your life, the Kingdom of God has arrived in you. If God's authority is manifest in your family, the Kingdom has arrived in your home and so on. It is not so much about a physical territorial gain as it is about spiritual advancement with absolute obedience to Christ Jesus. This then translates into a powerful manifestation of His authority over the flesh, the physical and spiritual worlds. Christ demonstrated this authority Himself as an example for subsequent citizens of this Kingdom. The Apostles who followed Christ lived in this kingdom thus continuing the works that Jesus did on earth. Just as Christ left the Kingdom on earth, the Apostles did not take it with them either. It is still here with us and those who know the secrets of it live in its power and commonwealth abundance. The Kingdom of God is not an event. It is a process and God will continue to gather His harvest up till the time when the following declarations take effect: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still" (Revelations 22:11). Then everything shall come to a standstill just as in the time of Joshua (Joshua 10:12-13) for judgement to take place. I believe Revelation 22:11 is linked with the entire process of Revelation 7. The 4 Angels charged with the destruction of the earth are told to hold on. They held the wind from blowing which indcates a standstill situation. At that moment, the sinner can never repent and the righteous can never sin. And for what reason? To allow God to seal His own from the many inhabitants of the earth (Judgement). Mind you, this is coming just after the concluding part of Revelation 6 where the sixth seal was broken to usher in the destruction of the earth. After that, the ungodly is destroyed together with this corrupt world system. A whole new world filled with His presence as God originally intented will emerge and the godly will inhabit it (Revelation 21:1-3). Citizenship of the Kingdom will then be complete and it will become very visible. The Kingdom is real and current. The Apostles lived in it. Many matyrs lived in it. An untold number of belivers who know the secrets of the Kingdom are living out its abundance and power. It is up to us to desire it and search for it. What is this Kingdom? How do we find it? What does it take to live in this Kingdom? These and other questions of this nature are why this site is set up to enable believers identify the Kingdom of God and claim it as joint-heirs with Christ Jesus (Romans 8:16-17)

Through the Bible, our lives, our testimonies, testimonies of others and the teachings of other true men of God, we hope to unwrap the mystery that seems to have clouded otherwise factual biblical concepts and representations.


Many people set out "in pursuit of happiness," yet never able to reach it. Will you join us in singing out what Happiness truly is?


Happiness is to know the Savior
Living a life within His favor
Having a change in my behavior
Happiness is the Lord!

Happiness is a new creation
Jesus and me in close relation
Having a part in His salvation
Happiness is the Lord!

Real joy is mine
No matter if teardrops start,
I’ve found the secret,
It’s Jesus in my heart!

Happiness is to be forgiven
Living the life that's worth the living
Taking a trip that leads to heaven
Hapiness is the Lord

I'm H-A-P-P-Y
I'm H-A-P-P-Y
I know I am
I am sure I am
I'm H-A-P-P-Y

I'm S-A-V-E-D
I'm S-A-V-E-D
I know I am
I'm sure I am
I'm S-A-V-E-D

Real joy is mine
No matter if teardrops start,
I’ve found the secret,
It’s Jesus in my heart!

Happiness is to be forgiven
Living the life that's worth the living
Taking a trip that leads to heaven
Hapiness is the Lord

Happiness is the Lord,
Happiness is the Lord,
Happiness is the Lord!


Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof (Proverbs 18:12)